
Thanks for checking out my little site!

This is just a place to collect togther stuff about the retro games I’ve collected. I know what you’re going to say “that’s what social media is for” although I grew up with my own website and miss the days where you could create your own—so this is it! Currently I’m re-building up my collection of SNES and PS1 games so I’ll post anything I find here!

Although I live in the modern world and love my phone, PS5, and stuff I have a special place in my heart for the types of nostalgic video games, music, and movies I grew up on in the 80s and 90s. The era I really love is around 1985 - 1995 which was when a load of my favourite things from that time were created.

At the moment there is very little here because I’ve just created the site but please do check back later when I’ll have more stuff!



You found my site of strange and wonderful things!